By Allergen Bureau

New Oat Assay Completes Gluten Analysis Puzzle

Gluten intolerance encompasses several types of gluten-related disorders, most notably coeliac disease. Avoidance of gluten in the diet is the cornerstone of coeliac disease management and therefore analysis to detect and quantitate gluten from wheat, rye, barley, and oats constitutes a crucial element of this dietary treatment.

Although a variety of immunoassays have been developed that allow for the detection and quantitation of wheat, rye and barley prolamins, there has not been a kit available for oat prolamins until now.  The ELISA Systems Oat Protein Detection kit specifically detects oat avenins allowing quantitative detection of oat gluten, therefore fulfilling a much-needed role in the gluten analysis of food.  The absence of cross-reactivity with other gluten prolamins ensures the assay is also complementary with existing gluten assays to facilitate the complete quantitative monitoring of gluten-containing cereals. 

In a regulatory context, the CODEX Alimentarius Commission includes oats in its definition of gluten, and this is also reflected in many national jurisdictions governing the labelling of gluten in foods. It is therefore important to have a specific analytical method that can monitor and quantitate oats in a food production environment.  The availability of the Oat Protein Detection kit therefore facilitates ingredient control and consequently may also promote increased use of oats as an alternative grain source to take advantage of its nutritional profile and cost benefits

The new ELISA Systems Oat Protein Detection kit can test samples from raw and cooked products, nutritional supplements and environmental samples such as rinse waters and swabs.  These quantitative and qualitative applications will allow validation of cleaning protocols and ongoing verification of allergen status.

Click here for more information on the new ELISA Systems Oat Protein Detection kit.