Webinar, 1:00 – 3:00pm
Join AIFST and the Allergen Bureau for an update on allergen management and labelling.
PEAL in practice, a view from the coalface
Dr Andreas Klieber, Managing Director, Quality Associates
Plain English Allergen Labelling is celebrating its first anniversary. There is still a long way to go though by industry before all labels are compliant. Andreas presents real life examples of best practice implementation and how to ensure a successful transition.
Allergen Bureau
Georgina Christensen
The Allergen Bureau will share examples of how PEAL can be applied to PAL statements that have been through the VITAL Program, along with the most commonly asked questions that they received since the introduction of PEAL. Georgina will also provide an update on what resources have been reviewed and are available to assist your business.
NSW Food Authority
Alan Edwards
Speaker Panel session (30 minutes)
Presenters & Derek Castles, FSANZ
Register here (Free for Allergen Bureau Members)