By Allergen Bureau

VITAL Best Practice Labelling Guideline Has Been Updated!  

This document focuses on precautionary allergen labelling (PAL) statements. PAL statements are voluntary and not included in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code).  

The guide is designed as a companion to the Voluntary Incidental Trace Allergen Labelling (VITAL Program) and FIGAML, it should be referenced alongside these guides. Key components of this guide include:   

  • A list of guiding principles for the declaration of allergens in a PAL statement.   
  • Worked examples demonstrating ‘best practice’ for declaring food allergens in a PAL statement, specifically for a product assessed using the VITAL Program
  • A list of references to other materials that provide further guidance on allergen declaration.  

The examples in this guide are set out in the same format as the outcomes from VITAL Online and tips and reasoning behind the decisions and formats have been included.  In the interests of efficiency, food business operators are encouraged to check this guide before contacting the helpline to see if the answers may be held there.