By Allergen Bureau

We NEED Your Help! PAL Label Outcome Survey  

In July we mentioned the Allergen Bureau was commissioning a survey to gain insight into the possible impact on the labelling outcomes of a transition to ED05 in programs such as VITAL.  

Our survey is now open and can be accessed here.

You may populate it by attaching a VITAL Short report and answering a few additional questions, or you may provide the information pertaining to each allergen in your Precautionary Allergen Labelling statement for that product via answering a series of questions.  Alternatively, simply contact us for a discussion.  

Our aim is to assess various food categories to determine in how many instances the labelling outcome is positively impacted for the consumer (PAL is removed). For those instances where the PAL is not impacted, we would like to understand why?  

This survey is essential to ensuring that stakeholders understand the drivers for PAL’s. The outcome will help inform stakeholder communication strategies and assist manufacturers to discuss the impact of a shift to ED05 with business risk leaders.   Ultimately the insight gained will be used to drive consistency in the use of PAL between suppliers and manufacturers, globally.  Please assist us to gain a whole of industry view in this important area. 

 Contact us at for more information. The survey is open now and will close once we have sufficient data to complete the analysis.