We would like to formally recognise Maria Said of Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia and Co-chair of the National Allergy Strategy for being awarded an Order of Australia in recognition of her incredible work and dedication to Australian’s living with allergic disease.
Maria has been a Co-chair of the National Allergy Strategy since it was launched in August 2015. In addition to her Co-chair role, she has also been a project lead for the Allergy 250K youth project, anaphylaxis register project and drug allergy project.
Maria is passionate about improving the health and well-being of people living with allergic diseases. As a strong advocate, the National Allergy Strategy is very fortunate to have her as a Co-chair.
The Allergen Bureau is delighted that Maria’s contribution to the anaphylaxis treatment, education and prevention of food allergy has been acknowledged. Well done on this incredible and well-deserved honour, from everyone at the Allergen Bureau.
Read more www.nationalallergystrategy.org.au/news/co-chair-of-the-nas-and-ceo-of-a-and-aa-receives-honour