By Allergen Bureau

Contribute To Our PAL Survey 

If your product carries a PAL statement, your data can make a difference! 

Earlier this year we mentioned the Allergen Bureau was commissioning a survey to gain insight into the possible impact on the labelling outcomes of a transition to ED05 in programs such as VITAL. We extend our sincere gratitude to businesses that have contributed to our PAL survey so far.  Your leadership and responsiveness are highly acknowledged and applauded.    

As we all know in food safety, facts and data underpin everything we do, and for this reason, we continue to call for submissions. To gain the full benefit for industry, and the consumer we would like to ensure that we canvass as many product categories as possible, so please don’t be shy. It is anonymous and will help us to complete a very important piece of the ED05 puzzle.

If your organisation utilises VITAL Online, please assist us by sending through your short reports either directly mail to or by attaching them to the survey.  If you use action levels to inform your PAL, please assist us by completing the survey.  Note the survey is only applicable to products currently using a PAL.