By Allergen Bureau

Food Allergen Portal — a food allergy resource for everyone

The Food Allergen Portal is a web-based platform to access trusted information and best practice resources about managing food allergens. The ‘one stop shop’ houses information and resources aimed at consumers, food manufacturers and retailers; the food service sector; childcare centres and schools; health professionals and government organisations.

Other important features of the Food Allergen Portal include information about the latest food allergen-related food recalls and key messages about food allergen management that can be used in education, communication activities and when developing new resources. The Food Allergen Portal has recently been updated and refreshed to make it easier for users to navigate and access information.

The Food Allergen Portal is an initiative of the Allergen Collaboration, established by Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) in 2011 to strengthen engagement and collaboration between stakeholders involved in food allergen management.

The Allergen Collaboration aims to improve – through non-regulatory means – the management of food allergen risks and to help consumers with a food allergy make safer choices. 

The Allergen Bureau is a member of the Allergen Collaboration and supports the Food Allergen Portal. To access the Food Allergen Portal visit the Food Standards Australia New Zealand website.