By Allergen Bureau

Affidia Webinar Recap “Precautionary Allergen Labelling (PAL): What Lies Ahead”

The Allergen Bureau recently had the opportunity to present as part of an expert panel at the Affidia webinar “Precautionary Allergen Labelling (PAL): what lies ahead”.

Prompted by recent meetings and reports published by the FAO/WHO Expert Panel, the webinar panel explored the potential implications of PAL determined by quantitative risk assessment based on risk-based Reference Doses. Evidence-based science is at the core of the Allergen Bureau’s strategy, and the VITAL program has been using Reference Doses set by our VITAL Scientific Expert Panel (VSEP) since 2007. Whilst this concept is broadly accepted and adopted by all stakeholders in Australia this is not the case in other parts of the world.

The Affidia webinar explored the possible outcomes from a legislative perspective as well as implications for laboratories, manufacturers and consumers, stakeholder complexities, and the need for a harmonised approach to gain the widest benefit to all.  The webinar also provided a great forum for The Allergen Bureau to reaffirm the October 2022 Members Meeting announcement that the VITAL program will be transitioning to the ED05 based Reference Doses as recommended in the expert panel report.  This transition is expected to occur in the later half of 2023.

The benefits of a global supply chain using scientifically validated reference doses that balance both consumer public health risk from clinical data, and the availability of food for the allergic consumer, are clear and drive this decision.  Noting that the Australian market is relatively mature in the adoption of this approach, and that collaboration has been key to the successful adoption of the VITAL program in our region, the Allergen Bureau is continuously collaborating with stakeholders including, regulators, enforcement agencies, clinician and consumer advocacy groups to ensure that this change is done in an effective manner that is clearly understood and communicated across all impacted groupssays Allergen Bureau Director Jasmine Lacis-Lee

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